About Us

Grades Taught



Ecole St. Paul Elementary (Catholic) School (ESPECS) is located in the St. Paul town site.


Our school offers English and French Immersion programs from Kindergarten to Grade 5 for approximately 450 students.

A total of 25 fte teaching staff provide a comprehensive education program which includes: Religious education, Cree Language education, French Immersion education, an Early Intervention (formerly PUF) program which includes Speech and Occupational therapies, as well as Inclusive Education programming.  The support from Educational Assistants varies depending on the needs of the students. 

A full time counseling program exists that is over and above the regular curricular requirements required by Alberta Education. Our Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW) helps to meet the emotional needs of students and act as a liaison between families and community agencies.  Our students are also supported through the Success Coach and the “Mental Health Capacity Building” program which aims to support the emotional well-being of children. We share a space with the St.Paul Friends of Playschool.

ESPECS provides students with cultural awareness and a Cree Language programs through the First Nation, Metis and Inuit Liaison/Cree Instructor. French As a Second Language classes are also offered. Over 39% of ESPECS students are enrolled in the Alternate French program and we offer a full time French Immersion Kindergarten program.

We have a small but dedicated group of parents who are working diligently to grow participation in our School Council and Fundraising Committee. 


Mrs. Adrienne Dallaire


Mr. Garth Finlay, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sherry Hladunewich, Assistant Principal

Supply Lists

School Supply List